Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where'd Ogo go?

So finally an update! We are back in the groove of things here in Vancouver after a lovely holiday in Columubus, Ohio and Windsor, Ontario. Our lingering colds are finally gone and I'm ready to update this here blog.

We started our holidays in Columbus where we spent time with Jasper's Ogo and Mimi (paternal grandparents) and Aunts Hilary and Hannah and Soon To Be Uncle Steve and Ryan! Well I won't waste any more time here are some photos.*

Mimi and a sleeping Jasper

At the Hanukkah/Christmas/Math Party

Jasper and a sleeping Daddy

Jasper sleeping in the middle of Martha & Peter's 30th Anniversary party!

A favourite game: Where'd Ogo go?

Jasper & Ogo

Jasper & Mommy
Grandma thinks we look like another famous Mother and Son (also initials J&M)

* I'm not sure how it happened, but we don't have pictures of Jasper's Aunts Hilary and Hannah!


fibre manipulator said...

Jasper is getting so big! Always a smile on his face, he's a happy baby. Can't wait to see you both soon.

Smekal Family said...

Jasper is adorable!! I love the pic where he is sleeping with his hands in the air! too cute :) Lauren, you look amazing!

Lauren said...

Thanks Michelle, I always liked you! I can't believe Laszlo is over a year old. Looking forward to seeing you all again - hopefully we can get together this summer.