Thursday, September 11, 2008


Jasper is changing so much these days. He likes to grab onto things like our shirts and my hair and he wraps his little arms around us when we hold him. When he wakes up in the morning he stretches and rubs his face and gives us the best smiles. It just melts us. He also does a fair amount of laughing in his sleep, which is hilarious and adorable.

This week we went to our last appointment with the birth program. At 6 weeks Japer's now 12 pounds and 22.5 inches. I was proud too because the doctor who delivered him said once again how impressed she was with me in labour.

I also wanted to mention that in the early weeks if Jasper was fussing Matt would say hopefully "Do you think he wants to be held?" Needless to say Matt likes to hold him any chance he gets and for as long as possible.

* I don't know how it happened but Jasper's nickname is "Bubba." Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the name, oh dear.

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