Friday, June 26, 2009

Baby TV

We're very excited. Jasper's walking! He took a few steps here and there over the last week or so, but now he's walking on his own without encouragement. Once I caught a look on his face that said "hey I'm walking, I didn't even mean to." Jasper has also figured out how to turn on the TV in our temporary housing. He doesn't watch the TV he just turns it on and off. What he loves to watch are the cars and in particular the buses and trucks on the busy street outside. I call the big window "baby TV".

Now that Jasper's walking he has longer naps (yay!). I picked up a little knit bee for him to snuggle after I snuck into his room and saw this...

He's a hat man.

At Christmas while in Windsor we went to the Hugo Boss outlet store. My mum bought me this hat, tres chic non? These pictures were taken many months ago, but they're so cute I thought I'd post 'em.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Walking machine

OK so we don't have a video to document Jasper's walking. We tried, by god we tried, but he just loves the camera too much and in fact had a melt down every time we passed the camera off to each another. Here are some (very short) videos of him going for the camera.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Buntzen Lake

Before we left for Seattle we went on a day trip to Buntzen Lake. It was a gorgeous day. Jasper had a grand time in the sand and we gave him an apple to eat on his own (being careful to peel off the skin where he was biting). Now we often peel him an apple to eat on his own and he just loves it. 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Standing Baby

Jasper's been standing a lot lately, and even walks with some help. He's gotten to the point where he can actually do other things while standing, and he doesn't need to devote all his attention to his balance. See evidence below.